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Population dynamics and sanitary aspects of domestic cats (Felis catus) in adjacent areas of conservation unit Carlos Botelho State Park in São Paulo, Brazil

Populations of domestic felines have worldwide distribution and can be found in different ecosystems (urban, rural and forest). This specie has been associated with different problems. In the case of public health, they are mainly involved in the transmission of zoonoses. Likewise, They also have a deleterious impact on the endemic species of small mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, as a consequence of the predatory behavior of cats. Finally, there are implications of animal welfare, as they are recognized as vulnerable to abuse and neglect, as their control can be implemented through non - humanitarian methods. This project aims to study the population dynamics of felines (Felis catus) in adjacent areas of the conservation unit Carlos Botelho State Park in the state of São Paulo, Brazil; Through the determination of population parameters, habitat requirements and the interactions of these animals with the ecosystem applying telemetry techniques, besides evaluating the sanitary conditions of this population through the research and identification of ectoparasites, agents transmitted by vectors (Anaplasma spp, Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp and Hepatozoon spp. and Rickettsia spp.), Virus (FIV - Feline Leukemia Virus and FeLV), Toxoplasma and other parasites.  In the South American countries, the investigation related to the dynamics of domestic feline populations in the area of ecology and epidemiology are scarce; the development of this research assists in the understanding of these populations and contributes to the implementation of a population control program aimed at needs of public health, animal welfare and the environment.

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