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Epidemiological investigation of domestic dogs that inhabit the surrounding of Carlos Botelho State Park, São Paulo, Brazil: Its implication on animal, environmental and public health
The growth of urban areas approaches man and domestic animals to the wild environment, and as result increases the interaction and enhancement of pathogens transmission among these species, generating implications for public health and environmental conservation. Emerging infectious diseases in wild animals can cause extinction of them. Greater contact of humans and domestic animals with wild environment has been occurring in several wild protected areas in Brazil, such as Carlos Botelho State Park (PECB), with is one of the largest Atlantic Forest fragments of São Paulo State. Researches related to new pathogens or the monitoring of already existing pathogens are extremely important to strengthen prevention and control policies of emerging infectious diseases. The purpose of this proposal is to conduct an epidemiological investigation of samples from domestic dogs domiciled in PECB surroundings, of samples already collected in 2015 and future samples to be collected in 2016 and 2017. Serological diagnostics of major diseases, such as zoonosis, like brucellosis, leptospirosis, leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis, distemper and parvovirus, and also direct diagnosis of Leishmania sp., parvovirus and canine distemper virus will be performed. The result generated by this project, and other interrelated research projects will be associated to understand the flow and ecology of diseases in the studied area. Prevention and control measures related to the diseases encountered will be performed, such as population control and immunization of domestic dogs, and health and animal welfare education. These actions will also be developed, implemented and coordinated by the applicant of this project presented here. Since epidemiological analyzes will be conducted in concurrent periods to these actions, they will be constantly reassessed, aiming to optimize their effectiveness. This proposal is included as one of the substructures for the creation of an epidemiological model targeted to other protected areas with the same characteristics, favoring the improvement of animal, human and environmental health in these locations.

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Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva, 87 - 05508-270 - São Paulo/SP (11) 3091-1391

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